Today let’s observe deep space, the deep ocean and deep
within your mind. You, reader are reading
these words, joining them together to form sentences that you hear without your
ears. You hear with your mind. It constructs meaning based on the patterns it
understands. It can’t observe and understand everything so it connects the dots
to form a picture. Let me give you a picture.
You stand under a dark sky. There is no light pollution so it is really dark. You hold your hand up to your face and you can barely see it. What you can see are a vast multitude of stars. I will assume that you can recognize the constellations. You can see the Southern Cross, Orion, Taurus, maybe a few more. If you have never looked at the night sky with a knowledge of the constellations what are you seeing now? I think that your mind will connect the dots automatically to form patterns. It will join the dots to form a picture.
Let me give you another picture. You sit on a cliff looking out on the ocean. A straight line of waves is coming in to the land. As you expand your field of view to take in the whole picture you can see the curve of the earth. The view is so big, it is hard to take it all in. Actually you don’t take it all in. Your eyes are actually sampling portions of the view but your mind is connecting the sight samples to make a picture. It connects the dots to form a picture. You don’t see with your eyes they just collect the light. Your mind joins the dots to make a picture.
Now let’s go to a third picture. Let’s go into your mind. Imagine all of your thoughts to be like stars in the sky all connected in a pattern that seems fixed. These stars fire off messages to each other to help make a picture. Mostly they make the same picture. They make this picture to keep you safe. They identify a pattern from the past that they project into the future.
Now let’s draw back to see things from a different perspective. Let’s see the night sky, the ocean and your mind at the same time. Observe it by not thinking about it. See the dark between the stars, the empty space of blue ocean and the dark spaces between your thought patterns where there is nothing. Go to the silence and hear what’s there. Go to the dark and see what’s there. Stop thinking – to see the space between the thoughts. Where there is nothing. It will be hard to do this and you will flick between thought and no thought.
The space between everything holds nothing and everything. It is the empty vast space where you are free from the past and the future to potentially fill the blank page with something new. You can reconfigure what you see and who you are. But it is not a process of rational thought; it is an emptying of thought to see the boundless possibility of the blank page.
Today you will observe many things automatically applying your patterns of learned understanding. If something is not working then maybe you might have it work better by not thinking about it. Maybe you could go to the dark between the stars, the empty blue of the sea and the dark spaces between thoughts where a blank page always waits for something new.
You, reader, can create something new.