“Into the Storyverse” is an innovative fictional narrative that draws the reader into the world of “Dusty”, a man struggling with grief and guilt. His close friend has died by suicide and Dusty must perform a final task for his late friend. The path to performing this task is rocky as Dusty struggles to avoid apathy and depression.
This story is a spiritual story told unconventionally with poetry blending organically into the plot which is both simple and complex. Mystery unfolds as Dusty’s experiences take him through introverted empathy to practical compassion.
Dusty is a person of faith who is less concerned with spreading his head knowledge about what he believes than he is in believing in the value of everyone’s story and encouraging them to live their own story. In essence, love in action.
“Into the Storyverse” invites you to dip into its reality and resonate with the aspects that “speak’ to you. No one can argue with your own story; everyone struggles with something, no one misses out. So leave any preconceptions at the door and enter “Into the Storyverse”.